
Details of Implementation and Major Departments in Charge




"Analyses and syntheses of total energy systems"

・・・・・Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Institute of Industrial Science, and Institute for Future Initiatives




"Innovative renewable energy and storage technologies"

・・・・・Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Engineering Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Institute of Industrial Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology




"Innovative energy conversion, transportation, utilization and CO2 reduction"

・・・・・Institute of Industrial Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Graduate School of Information Science and Technolog




"Energy policy, energy economics and management of global resources"

・・・・・Graduate School of Public Policy, Institute for Future Initiatives, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences




"Innovative materials and energy management to improve human comfort and health"

・・・・・Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, and Institute of Industrial Science

東京大学国際オープンイノベーション機構(IOI 機構) のご案内


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